What is PRAZ?
The Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) formally, the State Procurement Board (SPB) was created through an Act of Parliament, Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act[Cap 22:23] which repealed the Act, No. 2/99 [Cap. 22:14] through S.I. 152 of December 2017. The new mandate of the Authority is to supervise public procurement proceedings to ensure transparency, fairness, honesty, cost-effectiveness and competition as required by Section 315 of the Zimbabwean Constitution.

Why Register with PRAZ
This enables you to deal with government ministries and parastatals, greatly increasing your market for business
Registration Requirements
- Original Receipt for Payment of non-refundable Application Fee (i.e. US$100.00)
- Certificate of Incorporation
- List of Directors showing relative extent of Zimbabwean and Foreign shareholding of the company (CR14 Form)
- Business Physical Address (CR6 Form)
- Articles and Memorandum of Association
- Company Profile
- Contact Details (E-Mail & Telephone)